Building Support

J.U.S.T has been able to play many ​supporting roles since its founding. We have ​been working alongside grassroots ​organizations such as Food Not Bombs, ​Motherful, 1Divineline2Health, Sunrise ​Movement, Heer to Serve, and many other ​organizations and groups in the Columbus ​area.

We are always looking to create more ​prosperous relationships with community ​organizations! If you would like to work ​together, please click on the link below and ​fill out a request form.

Picture taken from1Divineline2Health yearly camping in the hood is good event .

Illustration of a Fist

Black Power Matters

What is black power?

Black power is more than any ​one definition and should not ​be limited to one general way ​of thinking. Black Power ​encompasses Black self-​determination, Pan-​Africanism, Black love, equity ​for Black people, and more.

Why black power?

The Black community has long ​suffered under capitalism, ​fascism, and imperialism in the ​United States and throughout ​the African diaspora. We ​believe Black power is needed ​to challenge those structures.

How can i support?

By giving time and resources to ​Black organizations that are ​fighting for liberation. We ​strongly encourage all Black ​people to join an organization ​that allows you to show up as ​your authentic self.

Rotating links for donations to ​families who have lost someone ​due to a state-sanctioned ​killing.

Social Media and Donations

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